Friday, September 21, 2012

Let's talk audiobooks with Darynda Jones/G!iveaway

Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet 

Book Tour

Congratulations to
Ann C.
JoAnna H. 
Winners have been notified via e-mail

I'm so excited to be a part of this tour, I'm a huge fan of Darynda Jone's Charley Davidson series, and if you are on the fence about giving audiobooks a shot, I highly recommend it as your first listen, narrator Lorelei King and Darynda Jones, teamed up to deliver some of the best entertainment on audio. This series will  turn you into a habitual listener, and here at Hot Listens we are happy to give away 2 audiobooks from this fantastic series, just fill the rafflecopter forms at the end of this page.

This give away is over

Thanks to all who participated

Here are some samples of their extraordinary work



Darynda Jones  loves audiobooks!

Thank you so much for having me here today and giving me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things: Audiobooks! I have to admit, I have been a huge fan of audiobooks for years. I even have my favorite narrators and search out books read specifically by them. Some of my favs include Tavia Gilbert, Johnny Heller, Edoardo Ballerini, Edward Hermann, Eric G. Dove, Victor Slezak, Jim Dale, Emma Galvin, Dion Graham, and the ultimate and uber-talented Neil Gaiman… I could go on and on. Honestly, there are so many wonderful voices out there and incredibly talented narrators who bring books to a whole new level, and I was fortunate enough to meet some of these spectacular actors in New York this summer. If you’ve never imagined yourself melting from a single glance, you’ve never met Edoardo Ballerini. That man can glance. And Neil Gaiman? I’m pretty sure ovulated when he spoke. But my #1 favorite is Lorelei King, the narrator of the Charley Davidson series and now my young adult series, starting with DEATH AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR. I got to hang with her in NY as well and, yes, even before she began narrating my work, she was my number one. She narrates both the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Imagine my surprise and excitement when the powers that be at Macmillan wrote to let me know she’d be my narrator. Trust me, angels sang. You might be wondering what it’s like to have my work narrated by a professional actress. I don’t know how it is for other authors, but for me, I am always amazed at Lorelei’s interpretation of my text. She brings things out I never thought of and even deepens some aspects of a scene. That is how talented she is. I’m so honored to have her and hope she never, ever, ever retires. Ever, ever, ever. If you are new to audiobooks, I hope you’ll give them a try. Here are a few tips that might help in the transition:
  1. Give audiobooks a fair chance. Your brain processes an audiobook differently than it processes the printed page. It is two very different functions. Don’t give up on them right out of the starting gate. Your mind will adjust pretty quickly and before you know it, five hours will have passed and you are half way finished with another novel in your TBR pile.

  2. It’s not cheating. You can keep up with your reading while driving or cleaning house. It’s still literature!

  3. If you come across a narrator’s voice that doesn’t do it for you, it’s okay to give up on that audiobook. It may be hard, especially if you shelled out a lot of cash for it, but sometimes voices grate, simple as that. If you are so inclined, I would love for you to at least try those on my list up top. They are all stellar.

  4. It’s never too late to start. Audiobooks are surging in sales partly because, with our busy lifestyles, tons of people are learning to love them while listening during commutes, on airplanes, and doing mundane tasks like housework, exercise, and gardening. They make the time fly, and more and more books are being recorded in every genre imaginable. And I’m thrilled to report that (finally!) more YA audiobooks are being recorded.

  5. For some reason, audiobooks are a perfect platform to seek out new genres. I’ve discovered my love of cozy mysteries, breathtaking thrillers, and spine-chilling horror through audiobooks from authors I would not normally have read. Not sure why. It’s just fun to listen to books outside of your comfort zone.
Any recommendations from our savvy audience?
Lorelei King interviews Darynda Jones      
       This giveaway is open all over 18, must provide a valid e-mail address.
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  1. What isn't there to love about Charley Davidson and her story? Seriously, my love for these books incorporates every detail!

  2. My love for Charley knows no bounds! For one thing her sexuall tension charged relationship provides a great source of entertainment

  3. I totally agree. This is a great series to listen to on audio and would be a great start for audio newbies.

  4. I love Charley's sense of humor, taste in men, and LOVE of java. These books are fabulous and recommend them to everyone!

    1. BTW- I entered the contest signed in as Amber.

  5. Thanks to Loupe I started listening to audibooks, now I can't live without them.
    Thank you for this opportunity and good luck to me.

    1. I forgot to mention that I love the humor in the series and of course... Reyes! *swoon*

  6. Charley is kick butt action with a side of wise!

  7. I love the interview and how Lorelei King is such a fan as well. *keeping my fingers crossed*

  8. I love this series, and avidly recommend it to everyone...

  9. I love the series, cause Charley is freaking awesome!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you guys SO much for stopping by and good luck!!! ~D~

  12. OMG!! Seriously, doesn't everybody ovulate around Neil?!?!? And actually, I had NO clue he narrated!!! I feel dumb...

    Awesome article and Loupe, your site rocks!!! (I apologize for not visiting sooner!!!)

  13. Hey Loupe,
    Better late than never I finally made it here! What a great post and giveaway, I'm in love with Hot Listens and your sister site, so many great books a girl can listen to. LOL Have a great week!
    See ya,

  14. I love the snark and intrigue. And it helps just a little that Reyes is Super Sexy. Thanks!

  15. I love Reyes, that's why I love Charley Davidson Series !!!

  16. I love this series. I haven't read any of the books as actual books, only audiobooks. I've listened to Lorelei King with the Mercy Thompson series and loved her. She was the reason why I chose to try this series in audio. I can't wait to see where the series will go.

  17. OK, so here's my answer: I love Darynda's humor! Charley is so down to earth and it is refreshing.

    I absolutely love audiobooks! I have been listening to them on my drive to work (an hour to and from). It lets me finish my books faster.

    AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

  18. This was really great! I am a HUGE Darynda fan and devour her books the second they come out but I have never listened to the audiobooks for the Charley Davidson series or any other books. Now that I have gotten my feet wet, I will have to give audiobooks a try and Darynda's are the perfect place to start!

  19. You can't read about Charley (or listen to Charley) and not laugh out loud. There is nothing I don't like about Charley. I can't wait to see what happens with Reyes in the next book!

  20. I think my favorite thing about the series is the unique voice of Charley. There is everything in the series that I love in my paranormal books... we've got paranormal creatures (including Charley) and she is just hilariously funny throughout the book. I'm glad I read these at home or I'd be getting some odd looks with my laugh out loud moments. I love that I get sexy/steamy romance/tension...paranormal/mystery and humor all in one dose :D I just read the first three for the first time like a month ago and I'm in LOVE with her entire series and sad that it took me so long to read the series :D

  21. How much do I love Darynda..Uh Lets see.. enough to be her Mama Grimlet / Director. I love Charley's character. The humor to me is probably the best thing other than Reyes. Come over and visit the Grimlets on FB and on Blogspot I am Also, If you love audiobooks You have to listen to Phil Gigante read Karen Moning. OH MY SO HOT !!! thanks for hosting

  22. I have not read it yet but sounds good!

  23. I got hooked on Darynda's books by her first book on audio!Made me laugh, made me wonder, made me a little I'm waiting fot the next book, it can't be here soon enough!

  24. I have not had the chance to read/listen to these books. Thanks for the chance!

  25. I have read such great reviews for this series. I want to give it a read!

  26. haven't read anything by her yet, sounds great though - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  27. I absolutely love this series and can't wait for the 4th book to see what happens now that Charlie is angry with Reyes.

  28. I absolutely love this series and can't wait for the 4th book to see what happens now that Charlie is angry with Reyes.

  29. I haven't had the chance to start this series and everyone keeps recommending it to me. Thanks for the giveaway!
