Monday, October 1, 2012

Rapture (Audibook Review)

Audiobook Review
By: J.R. Ward
Narrated by: Eric  Dove
Published by: Penguin Audio 09/2012

The Fallen Angles Series # 4
12 hrs and 7 mins

 Mels Carmichael, reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, gets the shock of her life when a man stumbles in front of her car outside the local cemetery. After the accident, his amnesia is just the kind of mystery she likes to solve, but she soon discovers they're over their heads with his past. Over their heads with passion, too ...As shadows walk the line between reality and another realm, and her lover's memory begins to come back, the two of them learn that nothing is truly dead and buried. Especially when you're trapped in a no-holds-barred war between angels and demons. With a soul on the line, and Mels's heart at risk, what in heaven - or in hell - will it take to save them both?

My Thoughts

After Envy (third installment in this series) my expectations for this series shoot up through the roof, It had taken me until then to develop a true enthusiasm for the series, now after this installment I’m back to square one.
The story is well written, and God knows how much I missed J.R. Ward’s writing, and in Rapture we still get a feel for her style, dialogue and drama, although, tame in comparison to the BDB, it’s still very good, flavor with her incredible talent, the dialogue is awesome, and yes, the sex scenes are as hot as ever, but for some reason, I didn’t enjoy this novel as much as I did Envy, maybe my expectations were too high.
When Matthias is given a second chance, thanks to the lovely Davina, we also get to give him a second shot at redeeming himself; and here is where it didn’t work for me, I couldn’t r find a way to liked him, maybe he was painted as such horrible character in the previous books that I couldn’t completely erase the image.
Now with Mels (heroine) it’s a different story, I really enjoyed her character; I liked her personality, and I found her to be one of the positives in the novel.
The romance was a little frustrating, and in the slow side, I’m a big fan of a slow paced romance, but I think that since I didn’t like Matthias, I couldn’t feel a great chemistry between him and Mels.
While the battle between Jim and Davina continues, we get to see a little bit more of Davina in what I found to be very uncharacteristic traits and behavior  for an evil character, this also contributed to my disconnect from the the story.
I have to mention what I really enjoyed and what made this rating close to four hearts instead of three, and that was the parts with Adrian, I really connected with his emotional pain, and I truly felt for his suffering, unfortunately, this wasn’t his book.
Of course, we also have Jim, who I love all the time, and my curiosity has picked in this installment, I’m dying to see where the story will head with his obsession with Sissy.
I also love the brother cameos, small in size but big in presence..... I just love the brothers :)
All in all, I’m not saying is bad, I was just expecting so much more, if you are a fan, I wouldn't miss it, remember, after all, this is J.R.Ward

The Author

J.R. Ward


After the novel Envy, I felt Eric Dove, despite his shortcomings with the female voices was the perfect reader for these novels, his matter of fact and sometimes unemotional tone fits really well the characters and stories, giving this series a unique feel and its own identity.
But something went wrong here, I found his pace a little off, and as a result, the narration felt rushed, it was as if someone had told him, you need to read faster. I tried slowing down to ½ X speed, but that didn't work; I hate the echo you get when using that particular speed, so I just left it alone. In my case, by the third chapter it didn’t bother me anymore, and I was able to follow along and just enjoy the novel.
I have to give him credit for his consistency with the characters, and the fantastic way he brings these personalities to life.
BTW, if you play this book in 2X speed for one minute and then go back to regular speed, you will be amazed of how much better it will sound to you... Just try it :)

Voices behind the books

Eric Dove

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  1. I'm not a big fan of angel supes but this one was written by Ward so, I was willing to make an exception. Thanks for the review!

    1. Is a pretty good series, but it's hard not to hold it to the standards of the BDB. I guess that if I wasn't constantly trying to love it as much as I do the Brotherhood, I would enjoy it a lot more.
