Friday, March 22, 2013

The voice behind Lover at Last and the BDB, is in the house! #giveaway #audiobooks

Interview with Jim Fangione

The voice behind the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series

As an actor Jim has performed in the NY premiere of several of David Mamet’s plays, including The Old Neighborhood, Oleanna and most recently in Romance, at the Atlantic Theater Company. Also with Atlantic: The Night Heron, Hobson’s Choice, Edmond, Sea of Tranquility, and Hellhound on My Trail. Regional credits include: Long Wharf Theatre, Merrimack Repertory Theater, Berkshire Theater Festival, Alley Theater and Mark Taper Forum. Jim directed Romance at the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater and Seriously Funny, An Evening of Mamet, Pinter and Shel Silverstein at the American Repertory Theater. He founded The Stage Company of Boston, where he directed his plays; Rubber Men and Driving Morality and produced Sketches of War, a benefit for the Vietnam Veteran’s Workshop directed by David Mamet starring Al Pacino, Donald Sutherland, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Walken, William H. Macy and many others. On TV; Brotherhood, The Unit, Law & Order (original, SVU, & CI). Film appearances include; Transamerica, Spartan, Heist, State and Main, The Spanish Prisoner, Homicide, Suits, Claire Dolan, Maryam, Frozen Impact and The Last Days of May.

We are thrilled to have Jim Frangione here at Hot Listens. I’m a HUGE fan of his work, and even though I’m only familiar with his reading of The Black Dagger Brotherhood, I’m absolutely convinced he can take any novel to the next level.

It is a pleasure to have him here to give all of you a chance to get to know him a little bit better. 
 We are also giving away 3 copies of Lover at Last.
Just fill out the Rafflecopter form at the end of this article. A copy of the book will be deliver electronically to the winners on the day of its release. 

Mr. Frangione:

I know you are primarily an actor, but how did you decide to start narrating audiobooks?

I’ve been interested in the connection between audio and the human voice and voice acting for many years. As a character actor I love to play with voices and dialects and an audiobook, especially with unique and foreign characters, allows me to do that. For instance, I recently narrated Dennis Lehane’s new book, Live By Night, which is set in Boston around prohibition with lots of those great old Boston dialects as well as Irish, Italian and even some Cuban dialects, all great challenges to give each of these characters an authentic voice.

What other part of the process do you go through after you have finished studying - or reading a book for a narration?


Well, first, as I read the book I am preparing it for the studio. During my first read-thru I generally put together and then submit a wordlist to our research department so that any words, places or names that are either made up or that I’m not familiar with, can be vetted by the author so that I get the correct pronunciation. I generally like to think about a book for a few days after I read it to let the story sort of percolate inside me in order to find the right voice and energy for a particular character.

Which do you think is more important, a perfect accent (foreign or geographic), or the tone and pace in which you deliver the dialogue?


I feel that “Less Is More” is a good axiom when it comes to dialect and “character”. In other words, the audience (you!) don’t want to hear a narrator “acting”, you just want to hear the story clearly and for the narrator to delineate the characters just enough so that the different characters in the book are clearly drawn, and you know who is talking to whom. At least that’s my opinion. I love a great dialect as much as the next reader but the narrator has to know when to back off and just tell the story without drawing attention to him or herself.

Which do you find more difficult to bring to life: a narrated character, or an acted character?


Loupe, I presume that here you mean the difference between a stage performance or a studio performance in an audiobook. If that’s the question, I think that they are two very different tasks. As a stage actor you have three or maybe even four weeks to develop a voice for a character in rehearsal with a director and perhaps the playwright there to guide you. With an audiobook it’s all you baby and giddy-up. There’s nobody there giving you feedback or coaching you along incrementally. And on top of that, you’ve got to be ready to dish it out as soon as you step into the sound studio…wham bam thank you M’am… and go! But also with an audiobook, you will ultimately have the opportunity to play multiple roles in the same book. Not true in the theater. Did I answer your question?... perhaps not.


What do you think makes a good narrator?

I will say that especially with the BDB Series by the talented Ms. Ward, in order to give the books their true and essential life beyond the page, you have to, as a narrator, want to, and ultimately need to, “go there”. Especially in the myriad, sumptuous and titillating sex scenes, of which there are scores and which are so much a part of the BDB Series. If I wasn’t willing or able to get into those scenes as deeply and as intensely I do, I wouldn’t do them at all. And I think that’s a touchstone for all narrators; if you can’t stand the heat, (or don’t want to turn it up) get out of the kitchen! Right?

 Which genre do you find more difficult to narrate, and why?

I don’t think I could ever narrate a coffee table book or a cookbook, and I’d prefer not to narrate the inspirational book. Though I’m sure there are many lovely books in the aforementioned categories I think if I were to attempt a book of that stripe I’d be phoning it in and I won’t do that. However, I do think that both Romance and Crime Fiction are hard to do correctly, but when done right some of the most rewarding, for both the reader and the narrator.

Do you think reading all these romance novels has given you an insight into women psych, or are you more confused than ever?...LOL

Great question. I love women. And I have always felt, in general, very close to the woman’s point of view. It may be one reason that I feel so at ease with the sex scenes, which are written by a woman for women, for the most part. I am in a long-term, deep and sustaining love affair with a wonderful woman who is a brilliant psychology professor. We discuss the true meaning of these books on a cultural level. She loves the work I do with romance novels and supports all of it. I am a lucky man. So don’t let me screw it up by saying anything inappropriate here in print.

In an audiobook, who do you think is more important: the author or the narrator?

The mind of the author is the garden out of which everything in the story grows; the characters, the situations, the color, the tone. He or she is your source for everything that happens and nothing happens without them. As the narrator I must listen for the voice of the author and attempt to be true and authentic as it relates to that voice.

The mind of the author is the garden out of which everything in the story grows; the characters, the situations, the color, the tone. He or she is your source for everything that happens and nothing happens without them. As the narrator I must listen for voice of the author and attempt to be true and authentic as it relates to that voice

 My favorite player list

If you were ever in a bar fight, which BDB brother would you like to have by your side?

I’d have to say Rhage would be that guy. He’s got those beastly transformative powers, not one to be trifled with in any way. Scary dude.

If the brothers were real, which one do you think you would hang out with the most?

Probably Butch. He’s a Red Sox fan and that would mean we’d have to talk shop a lot.

Which brother do you think is the most multi-dimensional?

I’d have to say Wrath. Being blind has opened his alternate senses, but he also has a great sense of loyalty… as does his dog George who, like his master, is cut from a gentler cloth.

If you had to spend one night of unbridled passion with one of the shellans, which one would you choose, and why?

Well that’s tough, but I’d have to say Payne. She’s so strong and yet so vulnerable, and that’s a turn-on.

Give us one word to describe, Lover at Last.


 I like to give a big thanks to Mr. Frangione for being such a good sport and for taking the time to grant us this interview.

No purchase necessary. This giveaway is open to all over 18 years-old. Must provide a valid e-mail address and claim the prize within 48 hrs after being contacted as the winner. Three winners will be picked through the Rafflecopter website.

This giveaway is over
Congratulations to  the winners:
Liz K.
Kathy R.
Kay F.
The Winners have been notified via e-mail and have 48 to claim their prizes.

Thanks to all who participated. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I'm so looking forward to it, but I haven't listened to any of his narrations before!

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. I have been looking forward to this book since Blay first declared his feelings for Qhuinn. I love m/m romance. I have only listened to two audio books before and would love to try this one :) thanks for the interesting interview, great perspective.

  3. I am SO looking forward to Lover at Last! I heart Qhuinn and Blay!! And yes, I've listened to a couple BDG books now. Thanks for the chance!

  4. I cannot wait for Lover at Last! I think I may need a sick day from work! I have read all the BDB books and recently bought a few on audible so I have had the pleasure of listening to Jim Frangione.

  5. I'm looking forward to reading Lover At Last! I haven't listened to any audiobooks before so if I win this will be my first!


  6. This was a really interesting interview! I guess I never sat down and thought all that much about it, but I really like that Jim will do research into different aspects of the story. Makes me want to listen all that much more!

  7. I can't wait for Lover at Last. I've only read the series but I'd be willing to give Jim a try.

  8. I am very much looking forward to Lover at Last. I've never listened to the BDB audiobooks but listened to the Fallen Angel audiobooks while working out :) Thanks for the great interview and awesome giveaway.

  9. I'm so excited to listen to Lover At Last. Really great interview. Butch is my fav brother too.

  10. can't wait for Lover at Last!!! And while I have l haven't listened to any audio books narrarated by Jim im definitely looking forward to it if im one of the lucky winners.

  11. Awesome interview! You've got me excited for this book, now I just have to catch up on the series! yikes!

  12. I cannot wait for Lover at Last!!! Thanks for the interview and for the chance to win!!

  13. I devour the book in print and then I listen to Jim narrate. He is fantastic. Great interview.

  14. I'm fairly new to audiobooks, and am just starting to get a feel of what I like about a narrator. It is really great to hear a narrators take on the books they work on.

  15. Can't wait to listen to Lover at Last! I'm a Frangione fan. Great interview!!! ~angela

  16. Great interview! Jim Fangione takes the BDB series to the next level! I don't even bother with the print books, I've got to have Jim read them to me. ;)
