Monday, April 15, 2013

Free Downloads from Sync YA Literature - May 2013 #audiobooks

Free Downloads from Sync
A closer look at May Tittles.

Every year in the summer, Sync YA Literature Into Your Earphones offers a list of free titles for download, so I will be gathering more information about each monthly  free download.
They have revealed the entire list here, again they have a fabulous list for the year of 2013.
Take advantage of this incredible offer. 

For the month of  May, 2013 we have:

 Of  Poseidon
Narrated by: Rebecca Gibel

Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen — literally, ouch! — both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma's gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom . . .

Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.

On Goodreads
On Audible  
Download from May 30 - June 5 2013

The Tempest
Narrated by: Full Cast Production

In The Tempest, long considered one of Shakespeare's most lyrical plays, Prospero - a magician on an enchanted island - punishes his enemies, brings happiness to his daughter, and comes to terms with human use of supernatural power. The Tempest embodies both seemingly timeless romance and the historically specific moment in which Europe begins to explore and conquer the New World.

Its complexity of thought, its range of characters - from the spirit Ariel and the monster Caliban to the beautiful Miranda and her prince Ferdinand -its poetic beauty, and its exploration of difficult questions that still haunt us today make this play wonderfully compelling.

The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1610–11. It is set on a remote island, where Prospero, the exiled Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place, using illusion and skilful manipulation. The eponymous tempest brings to the island Prospero's usurping brother Antonio and the complicit Alonso, King of Naples. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio's low nature, the redemption of Alonso, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonso's son, Ferdinand.

Audio Go 
Download from May 30 - June 5, 2013

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  1. Thank you for sharing this information.

    1. You're Welcome! I'm definitely getting Of Poseidon, good ratings on audible :)

  2. I'm always up for a free audiobook or two, thanks for sharing!

    1. Me too Carmel! There are a few in the list that I will most certainly get.
      You're welcome :)
