Thursday, June 6, 2013

Let's crown the best Romance Audiobook for 2012 #audiobooks #Giveaways

Sultry Listeners Awards

Best Romance Audiobook for 2012 Final

Congratulations to all the finalist, in my book you all are winners!! A big Thank you to all the authors and narrators for all the wonderful hours of entertainment you have brought to me and all your listeners.

Your final decision is here!
Crown the Best Sultry Listen for 2012
Poll will be open until June,8 213 12pm Eastern time.

Last chances to win! Enter Sultry Listeners Awards Giveaways
For more entries visit:

Rabid Reads
The Book Nympho
The Geeky Bloggers
Under The Covers

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I loved the contest. I thought it was a great idea to encourage others to try out audiobooks as well as showing love to those that already listen to audios.

    1. I'm so glad!! I hope it gets better every year, and thank you so much for you participation :)

  2. I love Lorelei King! All of her different voices are so entertaining. I also like Susan Ericksen from the In Death series.

    1. She's one of favorites too. I Love all of her performances. Susan Ericksen is fantastic with everything she reads :)

  3. It looks like you'll definitely need ear buds!

    1. When you are a romance listener they area must!..LOL

  4. I'm so torn between Raven Cursed and Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet both books are amazing and I love the narrator of both series. Eeny, meeny, miny... LOL

    1. I love three of the books up there! The other 2 I need to listen to. My heart is a little broken for The Madness Of Ian Mackenzie :( But it's all about the fans.

    2. Evidently, you can vote as many times as you like. This is not about the fans. It's about who can sit around and click all day and night. Votes should be limited to one per person...period. That would be a better reflection.

    3. Agreed! One vote per person would provide a much more accurate representation of the popularity of titles being voted on.

    4. I can assure you, the top 2 books have received the most amount of individual votes than the rest of the books. This is my first time putting together and event like this, and all I'm looking for it's to bring awareness to the magic of audiobooks, that has been my goal from the moment I started this blog. We will be posting a total from with the exact amount of individual votes for each title. As in right now, (live and learn) they are not doing anything against the rules and it doesn't give them more entrances to the giveaways.

  5. Love Fourth Grave Beneath My Feat by Darynda Jones - Narrated by Lorelei King (Best Paranormal Romance). My favorite audiobook series.

    1. It's one of mine too :) Wow! This is a battle!

  6. I really enjoyed the contest. I haven't listened to a lot of audio books so this gives me some great leads on some good books. I don't really have a favorite narrator yet though, but did enjoy FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT by Darynda Jones, narrated by Lorelei King also.

    1. You got to listen to the rest of the series! it only gets better :)

  7. Such a fantastic contest. I broke out my Julie James audiobooks to listen to again :)

  8. My favorite narrator is Tavia Gilbert, she narrates Jeaniene Frosts Night Huntress/World/Prince books brilliantly, with great character distinction in the voices and accents she uses :D The books are brought to life Its like I'm listening to the telly.
    I have a visual impairment so I live off of audiobooks I love them I’m always trying to get friends and fellow readers to try them they give reading a whole new light and bring books life :) this contest is brilliant in promoting audiobooks and praising narrators on the great jobs they do :) Thanks for the contest and giveaways!

    Rafflecopter name; AMY

    1. Thank you Amiee! Nice to meet you :) I'm always thrilled when I find other's that share my love for audio-books and the pleasure that they can bring to your life while allowing you the freedom to do other thing that a printed book won't.
      Stay in touch, I love other listener's opinions and I value constructive criticism, so if you have any ideas of how to make this contest better, I'll be happy to hear your ideas.

  9. Shared the contest on facebook:
    and GOOGLE+:

