Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thirteen (Audiobook Review)

Audiobook Review
By: Kelley Armstrong
Narrated by: Johanna Parker
Published by: Penguin Audio 07/2012

Women of The Otherworld series # 13
10 hrs and 50 mins

War is coming to the Otherworld. A sinister cult known as The Supernatural Liberation Movement is hell-bent on exposing the truth about supernaturals to the rest of the world. Their violent, ruthless plan has put everyone at risk: from werewolves to vampires, from witches to half-demons. Savannah Levine - fiery and unpredictable - stands at the heart of the maelstrom. There is a new, dark magic inside her, granting her the power to summon spells of terrifying strength. But whether this magic is a gift or a curse, no one knows. On the eve of battle, all the major players must come together in a last, desperate fight for survival - Elena and Clay; Adam and Savannah; Paige and Lucas; Jeremy and Jaime; Hope, Eve and more...They are fighting for lives. They are fighting for their loved ones. They are fighting for the Otherworld.
My Thoughts

Wow! I can’t believe this series has come to an end.
 It’s a good thing the Ms. Armstrong is promising to continue with some of my favorite characters in a few anthologies she has planned, so it may be the end of the series as we know it, but not the end of Elena, Clay and  some of the other terrific characters she created.
Women of the Otherwrold, is one of the first paranormal romance series I read; in fact, I didn't categorize it as Urban fantasy until the last few installments.
I  have to tell you what a great ride this has been.
Two of my all time favorite Audiobooks are directly related to this series:  Men of the Otherworld and Tales of the Otherworld - I can’t recommend enough these two audiobooks to any fan of this series; they are just plain awesome!
I was a little upset when I found out that this book was going to be from Savannah’s point of view; I honestly didn't think she had an epic enough voice to deliver the final installment, I really was preparing myself for a letdown, but from the moment I picked up the audiobook I got immediately transported and thrown right in the middle the action.
It’s hard for me to mention what transpires in this book without giving you spoilers; I can only tell you that for me, it was better than I expected, and I was completely satisfied with its conclusion.
The story picks up right from the ending of book 12, and it continues with nonstop action that left me breathless.
I loved that we got some chapters narrated by old friends, and in a way it felt as if we were getting a little piece of the characters we have come to love.
 I can say enough how exciting and enthralling was the action and suspense in this book, I had a few moments when I literally jumped out of my seat, and I almost screamed, noooo!
I also loved the drama, the small dose of romance, the  mystery, but most of all, the skillful way she threaded some older stories and old characters (you’ll be surprise) to give a fantastic and cohesive finale to the series.

The Author

Kelley Armstrong

Johanna Parker was excellent with Savannah's point the view. The way she connects you to the action is terrific.
The array of different voices was perfect to transmit the urgency of the scenes.
The emotions were skillfully portrayed, for a moment I forgot I was just listening to the audio book, and I felt as if I were watching a film unfold in front of my eyes.
If you know Johanna Parker from the Sookie Stackhouse novels then you're already familiar with her ability to carry out the author's intent, and she absolutely nailed it in this novel.
Even though, her voice didn't change much with the other characters point of view, I did feel the difference in the tone of her delivery.
All in all, this was an excellent performance!!

Voices behind the books

Johanna Parker

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  1. I liked this book but not as much as I'd hoped. I haven't read the 12th book yet so I think that might have had something to do with it. I'm re-reading the entire series so I didn't want to read it only to have to do it again in 2013 for my challenge. I know, I know, I cheated by skipping ahead to 13 but I didn't want to be the only Kelley Armstrong fan who hadn't read it yet.

    I'm not going to write a review for 13 this time around. Instead, I'm going to re-read it as part of my challenge after I've read all of the other books, hopefully that'll change my opinion of this last book.

    Maybe I'll give the audiobook a try. That is... if I can find it in Canada.

    1. I really think that Johanna Parker had a lot to do with my enjoyment, she really did a great job narrating this novel. I think you will enjoy the audiobook.
      When you get to it, let me know if it helped to improve your feelings about the book.
